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英語圏留学生向け Dormitories for Tokyo Zokei University


作成日 24-12-19 18:25




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We would like to introduce you 

to exclusive dormitories and 

Dormy dormitories for those planning to study 

at Tokyo Zokei University 

and considering living by themselves!



●Hachioji Utsunuki Campus


This campus, located in the lush greenery of Hachioji, 

has designed by Arata Isozaki, a recipient of the Pritzker Prize,

 which is well-known as the "Nobel Prize of architecture." 

The gently undulating grounds provide a beautiful creative space, 

with workshops, ateliers, lecture and research buildings, 

an art museum, and more.




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Dormy Takao

Dormy Sakadohanamachi 


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Three-minute walk from JR Chuo Line (Rapid) "Takao" Station

Three-minute walk from Keio Takao Line "Keio Takao" Station

[To campus] Takao Station 

→ Hachioji Station (transfer) → Aihara Station, 

ride time approx. 15 minutes


・Wash basin equipped. This room has a wash basin, 

which is convenient for getting ready in the morning.




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Recommended Dormy for Tokyo Zokei University

Diakonia Hashimoto


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Five-minute walk from Hashimoto Station 

on the JR Yokohama Line 

and Keio Sagamihara Line

[To campus] Hashimoto Station 

→ Aihara Station, ride time approx. 

three minutes


This is an apartment-style dormitory equipped 

with a refrigerator and washing machine.

Meal service is not provided in the dormitory.



・Located a five-minute walk from Hashimoto Station, 

which is served by two lines: 

the JR Yokohama Line and the Keio Sagamihara Line.

・The room equipped bathroom and kitchen.




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Recommended Dormy for Tokyo Zokei University

Dormy Toyoda 2

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JJR Chuo Line (Rapid) "Toyota" Station  approx. 

13-minute walk Keio Line 

"Minami-daira" Station  approx. 

12-minute walk


[To campus] Toyota Station 

→ Hachioji Station (transfer) → Aihara Station  approx.

10-minute ride

This is the only one Gakusei-kaikan in the Hachioji area, 

which appliances are equipped in each room.

You can use the washing machine, 

refrigerator, and IH electric oven from the moment you move in. 


There is also a wash basin, and the rooms are spacious, 

measuring more than 10㎡. 

The balcony is also spacious,

and the room facilities are very comfortable.


There are also restaurants, banks,

and a large shopping mall near Toyoda Station,

so you will have no inconvenience to live here. 


Furthermore, there are convenience stores 

and supermarkets within a five-minute walk from the dormitory, 

which means it is the super convenient location.


■ Features

・Separated bathroom and toilet, and a wash basin.

・A washing machine and refrigerator also equipped.



What do you think? 

I hope this will be helpful for you

when choosing your housing.



Dormy Labo


